Bag Filter

Bag Filter

Bag Filter is a Dust Collection and Air Pollution Controlling Industrial Equipment. Bag filters separate Dust particles from Dusty Gases and remove particulate matter from Industrial Process to improve Indoor Air Quality and Comfort.

Bag Filter operation provide Continuous and Automatic regeneration of the filter elements for Built in Facility. Filter is divided in three parts, Top Part is Plenum (Clean Air Chamber), Middle Part is “Housing” (Dirty Air Chamber) and bottom part is Hopper (Dust Collection Chamber). Induced Draught (ID) Fan pull Dusty Air from system through filter elements. The Plenum is separated from the Housing by the Bag Tube Sheet; where Filter Bag Cages and the filtering elements are supported. The Bag Filter unit is able to continuous self- cleaning dust filter also removing dust particles from Gaseous and Dust Streams.

Dust Free Operation

Customize Designs

Less Power Consumption


SR Conveying Solutions (SRCS) is a leading supplier of Dust Extraction Equipment and System. As a highly experienced Manufacturer of Bag Filters, we offer diversity of advanced Product Line to fulfill various industries requirement.

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