Rotary Airlock Valve

Rotary Airlock Valve

Rotary Air Lock Valve is Mechanical Conveying Equipment that allows to Control Bulk Solid Materials flow. RALV available in various material of construction with Round Flange or Square Flange as per Site requirement. RALVs are also working as a feeder called Rotary Air Lock Feeder (RALF) or Pocket Feeder.

Rotary Air Lock Valve is suitable for Controlling discharge and feed of Granular Materials from Silos, Hoppers, Pneumatic Conveying Systems, Bag Filter and Cyclones. RALV maintains Pressure and provides an optimal airlock seal between different product conveying transitions. An Optimal Airlock Condition is required to prevent Air Pressure loss in High Pressure and High Temperature Conveying Systems. SRCS manufacture custom built RALV to improve the safety, reliability and efficiency of Feeding and Metering Operations.

SRCS can provide Zero Speed Switch to supplied Equipment for Safe Operation as per requirement.

Rigid Construction

Perfect Sealing

Customize Design


SR Conveying Solutions (SRCS) is a leading supplier of Bulk Material Handling Equipment and System. As a highly experienced Manufacturer of Rotary Air Lock Valves, we offer diversity of advanced Product Line to fulfill various industries requirement.

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